Rules of The Massage Procedures

Rules of The Massage Procedures

There are a number of peculiarities that need to be known and observed when carrying out the mechanical action on the patient’s body.

The massage is performed in a warm room, 30-40 minutes after meals. If the treatment is carried out in a hospital, the patient must not be taken immediately after a drip or other therapeutic procedures.

Swedish massage Dubai is carried out in accordance with the system to which it refers. If you follow the rules of the Russian school, in this case, all movements are from the periphery to the center, that is, first the extremities are massaged, and only then the torso.

It is categorically forbidden to massage the genitals, projection of the kidneys, groin, elbow and hamstrings.

The patient’s body should be relaxed and the massage should bring pleasure. Psycho-emotional excitement, excessive muscle tension is contra-indication for the massage session.

Hands of a specialist should be warm, massage should not cause discomfort. A special cream or oil is applied to the skin, making it easier for the hands to glide over the body.

Compliance with all the rules increases the effectiveness of the procedure and contributes to the rapid recovery from the pathological process.

The Effect of Massage on The Body

The Effect of Massage on The Body

Massage is one of the most famous ways of affecting the body as a whole. It helps not only to relax and recover. With his help, many diseases are treated, including those that were previously considered virtually incurable.

The mechanical effect on the body through the skin not only improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. Massage helps strengthen the immune system, speeds up metabolic processes in the body, strengthens back muscles and calms overexcitability. Because of its ability to speed up metabolic processes, regular massage sessions help to reduce excess weight and eliminate toxins from the body.

Massage is also necessary for those who want a beautiful figure. There are many types of cosmetic effects of this kind. It is widely used in the fight against cellulite, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Facial and head massage tones the skin, accelerates its regeneration processes and improves its appearance. In addition, scalp massage is an excellent remedy for irritability. It helps to relax and relieve nervous tension.

The Impact of The Massage on Your Body

The mechanical effects on the body have a variety of effects on the functioning of the body. In this case, the changes may affect both the general reactions and conditions, and individual organs and systems.

Metabolism. Massage increases blood circulation by about 30%. At the same time, the kidneys and skin begin to actively excrete lactic acid, which leads to improved metabolism. The metabolism is also improved due to the production of special hormones, which occurs during irritation of the skin. In this process is a humoral factor of the massage.

Nervous system. Depending on the type of action used (relaxing or intensive) is a relaxation or toning of the nervous system. This is the basis of the neuro-reflexive factor of the massage. The mechanical action on the skin is an irritation of the nerve endings. Transmitted by neurons, the received impulses reach the cerebral hemispheres, where an adequate response to such irritation is formed.

Musculature. Massage is a direct physical action on the human muscles. During an intensive massage the number of capillaries is increased and the tissues are supplied with more oxygen. Thanks to this, the recovery of the muscular system occurs and its adaptive properties increase.

Joints and ligaments. Thanks to improving the outflow of lymph, massage sessions at our Russian massage center contribute to reduction of edema in the tissues surrounding the joint. There is also an improvement in the removal of decay products from the tissues that are formed when they are damaged. Such a complex treatment helps to restore joint mobility and is a good prophylaxis for diseases of the ligamentous apparatus.

Skin. The impact of massage on the skin is difficult to overestimate. During the session, dead cells are removed, improving blood circulation in the small capillaries. This complex improves skin nutrition, it gets more oxygen. Regular massage sessions help to maintain skin elasticity and its attractive appearance.

Contact Information:

Jasmine Spa European Massage Dubai

18th Floor, Sheikh Zayed Road Exit 36
Barsha Heights, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Jasmine Spa Russian Massage Dubai
+971 56 123 8869

Rules of The Massage Procedures

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